After Hurricane Irene and tree service. New bern, North caloraina
Huge hurricane Irene was gone. Total disaster about 70 billion dollar. New bern may be the first town where Irene landed late friday last week. Trees , Electric pole, traffic signals She prostrated them all. Hotel room was all full. Because Bunch of construction, tree service guys come and to fix this town. And... I don't know why, many airplane in charlotte airport is under repaired. I guess hurricane give some damage to Planes. Some delay, some cancel flight. I should fly to greenville,NC. But Flight was finaly canceled because mechanical Trouble. I got flight to new bern (100mile from greenville) ,cause no more flight to there they said. But, my baggage was arrived greenville, When I arrived new bern. It's not make sense and weird..... 巨大なハリケーンアイリーンが米東部を 直撃した翌日、ノースカロライナ州 グリーンビルに出張した。 シカゴで乗り換えて、ノースカロライナ シャーロット空港でさらに乗り換えという とっても疲れる出張。 シャーロットはUS Airwayのハブ空港。 しかし、うちのも含めて どの便も機械トラブルでまともに 出発せず、ディレーにつぐディレーで キャンセルになる便も。 たぶんハリケーンで飛行機が故障でも したんだろう。無理して飛ばすよりいい か。と思ってたら 自分の便もとうとうキャンセル。 カ...