Monster client and monster creator, which is more sinful?
Monster client... Sometimes, I meet the such a people. Their desire,Claim. those have no limit. Patiently give them all, it never makes them satisfy. When we burn out, And they are started frustration and disappointment. No one success , No one be happy. Are they monster? I don't think so. If they are really the monster client, The seed of monster was created at first stage of business. For example, Doesn't understand client needs clearly. Simply to promise unclear matter. and then, Simply break it. And then simply make next promise, because Client got mad. The seed of monster. it begin to sprout. They are going to fall dark side. And war of attrition is begin..... Example , These are business war criminal matter. 1. Client says I want everything same as existing spec. Do you fully understand what is existing specification? can it fit to new model?...